Contributions to a reassessment of Costa Rican Zygopetalinae (Orchidaceae). The genus Kefersteinia Rchb.f

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2001
Authors:F. Pupulin
Journal:Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie B Botanik und Zoologie
Type of Article:Journal Article

A revision of the Costa Rican species pertaining to the genus Kefersteinia RCHB.f. is presented. Phylogenetic relationships of the genus are discussed. Ten species are accepted for Costa Rica and a key to the species is provided, together with references to the types and synonyms, a detailed description, etymology, general distribution and examined specimens in the study area, ecological notes, taxonomic discussion and a composite illustration for each taxon. A new species, Kefersteinia endresii PUPULIN, is described and illustrated. Lectotypes are selected for Zygopetalum lacteum RCHB.f., Kefersteinia alba SCHLTR., K. microcharis SCHLTR. and K. parvilabris SCHLTR.

URL:<Go to ISI>://BCI:BCI200200302032
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