Studies on the Spiranthinae (Orchidaceae): I. Miscellanea

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1994
Authors:D. L. Szlachetko
Journal:Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica
Type of Article:Journal Article

In the paper the following new taxa are described: Oestlundorchis Szlach. subgen. Triceratostris Szlach., subgen. nov.; Cyclopogon papilio Szlach., sp. nov., from Guatemala; Funkiella versiformis Szlach., sp. nov., from Costa Rica; Galeottiella constricta Szlach., sp. nov., Oestlundorchis flavo-ferruginea Szlach., sp. nov., Oe. hagsateri Szlach., sp. nov., Oe. hio Szlach., sp. nov. and Oe. velutina Szlach., sp. nov., all from Mexico; Skeptrostachys stenorrhynchoides Szlach., sp. nov., from Brazil; Stigmatosema cotylolabium Szlach., sp. nov., from Venezuela; S. lunulata Szlach., sp. nov., from Peru; Oestlundorchis rhombilabia (Garay) Szlach. subsp. tamayoi Szlach., subsp. nov. and Stenorrhynchos michoacanus (Llave and Lex.) Lindl. subsp. vexillaris Szlach., subsp. nov., both from Mexico. In addition new combinations and status changes are proposed as follows: Schiedeella Schlecht. subgen. Gularia (Garay) Szlach., stat. et comb. nov., Stenorrhynchos L. C. Rich. ex Spreng. subgen. Dithyridanthus (Garay) Szlach., stat. et comb. nov.; Cyclopogon obliquus (J. J. Sm.) Szlach., comb. nov., Funkiella tenella (L. O. Williams) Szlach., comb. nov., Oestlundorchis velatoides (Szlach.) Szlach. and Tamayo, comb. nov., Pseudogoodyera pseudogoodyeroides (L. O. Williams) Tamayo and Sztach., comb. nov., Schiedeella alinae (Szlach.) Szlach., comb. nov., S. guerrerensis (Szlach.) Szlach., comb. nov., Skeptrostachys stenophylla (Cogn.) Szlach., comb. nov., Sacoila lanceolata (Aubl.) Garay var. australe (Lindt.) Szlach., star. et comb. nov., var. pedicellata (Cogn.) Szlach., stat. et comb. nov., var. secundiflora (Lillo and Haum.) Szlach., star. et comb. nov., var. squamulosa (Humb., Bonpl. and Kunth) Szlach., star. et comb. nov. and Stenorrhynchos speciosus (Jacq.) L. C. Rich. ex Spreng. var. nutans (Kunth ALPHA-MP Bouche) Szlach., stat. et comb. nov.. Sacoila apetala (Kraenzl.) Garay is reduced to synonymy with S. lanceolata.

URL:<Go to ISI>://BCI:BCI199598371265
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith