Typi Orchidacearum ab Augusto R. Endresio in Costa Rica lecti

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2011
Authors:F. Pupulin, Ossenbach, C., Jenny, R., Vitek, E.
Journal:Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie B Botanik und Zoologie
Type of Article:Journal Article

Auguste R. Endres botanized in Costa Rica between the end of 1866 and the first months of 1874, spending a short time in Panama. In these seven years he devoted his main attention to the still unrevealed richness of Costa Rican Orchidaceae. The results of his activity have still to be properly evaluated, but his contributions to the botany of Costa Rica are extraordinary in quantity and quality. Notwithstanding his immense labor, only a very small portion of the orchid plants he collected, studied and illustrated were published as new to the science. He co-authored eleven species with Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach, who himself described another 22 species based on his collections. Other authors who described new taxa through the study of Endres' plants were Rudolf Schlechter, Fritz Kriinzlin and, more recently, Carlyle A. Luer. Including a few other minor contributions, the total number of orchids described as new to science on the basis of Endres' collections amounts to 109 species and two varieties. In order to begin a complete evaluation of Endres' botanical legacy, a critical revision of the information on the orchid types collected by him, and conserved in the Reichenbach Herbarium at the Naturhistorisches Museum of Vienna, is presented. Types are associated with Endres' illustrations and other materials from his gatherings. Lectotypes are selected for Brassia chlorops, Epidendrum ionocentrum, Masdevallia pygmaea, Oncidium castaneum, 0. dielsianum, 0. globuliferum var. costaricense, 0. rechingerianum, Restrepia prorepens, R. reichenbachiana, Sigmatostalix Telipogon endresianus, Trichocentrum pfavii var. zonale, Warczewiczella pieta. Milionia endresii is neotypified. Photographs of the lectotypes and the neotype are presented.

URL:<Go to ISI>://BCI:BCI201100276292
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