Title | Inachis io (on Buddleja davidii) |
License | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/ |
Rating | 3 |
Vetted | Trusted |
Description | 2012-08-22 Styria, district Leibnitz - Sausal Synonym: Nymphalis io Buddleja is very popular with pollinators (and especially butterflies) as it provides food late in the year, when relatively few plants are flowering; the plant is invasive in Austria (especially in warmer regions of Eastern and Southern Austria), the butterfly of course is native to Austria. German name: Tagpfauenauge (auf Gewöhnlich-Sommerflieder) Der Sommerflieder ist eine bekannte und beliebte "Schmetterlingspflanze" (allerdings gerade in den wärmeren Gegenden Österreichs auch ein invasiver Neophyt). |
Original URL | http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8456/7924824266_815b2e9fab_o.jpg |
photographer | Hermann Falkner |
provider | Flickr: EOL Images |