Title | Wattled Starlings on Grant's Zebras - Maasai Mara, Kenya |
License | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/ |
Rating | 4 |
Vetted | Trusted |
Description | 4 September 2009 Wattled Starlings on the back of Grant's Zebras - Maasai Mara, Kenya Species Wattled Starling / Lelspreeuw (Creatophora cinera) Plains Zebra / Steppezebra (Equus quagga), subspecies Grant's Zebra / Grantzebra (Equus quagga boehmi) For those who like the biological details: Click a link and you'll go to the Flickr photo page for that rank in the biological classification. Phylum: Chordata; Vertebrates / Gewervelden Class: Mammalia; Mammals / Zoogdieren Order: Perissodactyla; Odd-toed Ungulates / Onevenhoevigen Suborder: Hippomorpha; Horses and allies / Paardachtigen Family: Equidae; Horses and allies / Paardachtigen Genus: Equus; Horses / Paarden Species: Equus quagga; Plains Zebra / Steppezebra Subspecies: Equus quagga boehmi; Grant's Zebra / Grantzebra Read the story at my blog: wildlifespotting.blogspot.com/2010/08/day-4-zebra-crossin... |
Original URL | https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4136/4889933491_ff3db47d66_o.jpg |
photographer | David d'O |
provider | Flickr: EOL Images |