TitleCyperus rotundus in Kadavoor.jpg
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Cyperus rotundus L. Description English: Cyperus rotundus, Coco-grass, Java grass, Nut grass, Purple nut sedge, Red nut sedge, Khmer kravanh chruk, is a species of sedge (Cyperaceae) native to Africa, southern and central Europe (north to France and Austria), and southern Asia.
Common Nut Sedge is a perennial plant, that may reach a height of up to 40 cm. The names "nut grass" and "nut sedge" (shared with the related species Cyperus esculentus) are derived from its tubers, that somewhat resemble nuts, although botanically they have nothing to do with nuts. Leaves sprout in ranks of three from the base of the plant. The flower stems have a triangular cross-section. The flower is bisexual and has three stamina and a three-stigma carpel. The fruit is a three-angled achene. The root system of a young plant initially forms white, fleshy rhizomes. Some rhizomes grow upward in the soil, then form a bulb-like structure from which new shoots and roots grow, and from the new roots, new rhizomes grow. Other rhizomes grow horizontally or downward, and form dark reddish-brown tubers or chains of tubers. Depicted place English: Kadavoor, Kerala, India. Date 13 December 2009 Photographer Jeevan Jose (1976– ) Description Indian naturalist, farmer and photographer Date of birth 5 May 1976 Location of birth Kadavoor Work location Kerala Authority control : Q42412772 Source Own work Permission
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This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Attribution: "API" © 2009 Jee & Rani Nature Photography is used here under a CC BY-SA 4.0 License CC BY-SA 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 truetrue Other versions Camera location 9° 59′ 00″ N, 76° 42′ 00″ E View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap - Google Earth 9.983333; 76.700000
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