Title | Cordia subcordata flower |
License | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ |
Rating | 3 |
Vetted | Trusted |
Description | Cordia subcordata growing on the beach. Its seeds float and are dispersed by the ocean. Commonly found on tropical coasts. Lily Beach, Christmas Island, Australia, April 2011. Cordia subcordata is a bushy tree that grows to 15 m and belongs to the Boraginaceae family. That family includes Paterson's Curse, Echium plantagineum a herb-like weed. That is very weird. |
Original URL | https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5229/5731130983_1e147efb4e_o.jpg |
photographer | John Tann |
provider | Flickr: EOL Images |