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Amphilophium Kunth
EOL Text
Climbers with 3-fid tendrils. Leaves opposite, 3-foliolate or with the terminal leaflet replaced with a tendril. Flowers in terminal racemes or panicles. Calyx tomentose, truncate or with short teeth. Corolla campanulate; stamens included. Capsule densely covered in prickles.
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Rights holder/Author | Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings, Flora of Zimbabwe |
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Lianas. Tallos hexagonales con costillas obtusas conspicuas; corte transversal del tallo maduro con una cruz de 4 (-5) brazos formados por el tejido de floema; zonas interpeciolares no glandulares; pseudoestípulas foliáceas, persistentes o deciduas. Hojas usualmente 3-folioladas, con el foliolo terminal reemplazado por un zarcillo trífido. Flores producidas en panículas terminales, usualmente en cortas ramas axilares. Cáliz campanulado, doble, con el margen interno grueso, corto y el externo ondulado; corola púrpura, tubular, bilabiada; estambres 4, didínamos, las anteras glabras; ovario súpero, ovado-cilíndrico, con 2 lóculos. Fruto una cápsula oblongo-elíptica, las valvas paralelas al septo; semillas con 2 alas hialinas no muy diferenciadas del cuerpo. Género neotropical con 7 especies distribuidas desde México hasta el norte de Argentina, incluyendo las Antillas.
Lianas. Stems hexagonal with conspicuous obtuse ribs; cross section of the mature stem with a cross of 4 (-5) arms formed by the phloem tissue; interpetiolar zones not glandular; pseudostipules foliaceous, persistent or deciduous. Leaves usually 3-foliolate, with the terminal leaflet replaced by a trifid tendril. Flowers produced in terminal panicles, usually on short axillary branches. Calyx campanulate, double, with the inner margin thick, short and the outer undulate; corolla purple, tubular, bilabiate; stamens 4, didynamous, the anthers glabrous; ovary superior, ovate-cylindrical, with 2 locules. Fruit an oblong-elliptical capsule, the valves parallel to the septum; seeds with 2 hyaline wings not very differentiated from the body. A neotropical genus of 7 species distributed from Mexico to northern Argentina, including the Antilles.
Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:16
Specimens with Sequences:12
Specimens with Barcodes:10
Species With Barcodes:1
Public Records:6
Public Species:1
Public BINs:0