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Stenostomum C.F. Gaertn.
EOL Text
Stenostomidae without either statocyst or preoral ciliated furrow. Paired ciliated pits associated with the anterior cerebral lobes. Light-refracting bodies present in variable number and arrangement, or absent. Epithelial rhabdoids and excretophores present in some species. Zooid chains formed through paratomy. Sexually mature stages rare. (from Larsson et al. 2008 (citation))
The following is a representative barcode sequence, the centroid of all available sequences for this species.
There is 1 barcode sequence available from BOLD and GenBank.
Below is the sequence of the barcode region Cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI or COX1) from a member of the species.
See the BOLD taxonomy browser for more complete information about this specimen.
Other sequences that do not yet meet barcode criteria may also be available.
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Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLDS) Stats
Public Records: 1
Specimens with Barcodes: 1
Species With Barcodes: 1
The following is a representative barcode sequence, the centroid of all available sequences for this species.
There is 1 barcode sequence available from BOLD and GenBank.
Below is the sequence of the barcode region Cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI or COX1) from a member of the species.
See the BOLD taxonomy browser for more complete information about this specimen.
Other sequences that do not yet meet barcode criteria may also be available.
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Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLDS) Stats
Public Records: 1
Specimens with Barcodes: 1
Species With Barcodes: 1
Schmidt O 1848 (citation)-
Diesing KM 1862 (citation)- definition of genus p 238.
Graff L v 1882 (citation)- definition and discription, key p 254:
Stenostoma Leninae mihi - was Catenula, etc.
Stenostoma gracile mihi - was Anortha graciles Leidy, etc.
Stenostoma quaternum mihi - was Catenula
Stenostoma colubei Leydig
Stenostoma binum mihi -was Catenula
Stenostoma Sieboldi Graff 1878- brief description and illustration
Stenostoma unicolor O. Schmidt 1948
Stenostoma ignavum Vejd 1879
Stenostoma fasciatum Vejd 1879
Stenostoma leucops O. Schmidt - long description and illustration
Braun M 1885 (citation)- p 140 definition.
Silliman WA 1885 (citation)- gives definition.
Sekera E 1889 (citation)- definition p 364, and lists species.
Fuhrmann O 1894 (citation)- places in Family Microstomidae, gives definition.
Wilhelmi J 1906 (citation)- compares excretory organs p 25.
Luther A 1907 (citation)- definition "without a preoral ciliated groove but with ciliated pits, without a
statocyst, with eyes."
Graff L v 1909 (citation)- definition and key to species.
Graff L v 1913 (citation)- p 28 lists Weldonia parayguensis as synonym of Stenostomum bicaudatum.
Martin CH 1908 (citation)'s Weldonia = Stenostomum.
Wilhelmi J 1913 (citation)- on sense organs p 36, mentions p 48, 66, 82, 94, 118, lists p 11.
Jones ER Jr 1932 (citation)- several species of Stenostomum compaired and a "sort of" key.
Kepner WA, Carter JS, Hes M 1933 (citation)- say first species described for this genus by Duges A 1928 (citation)
as Derostoma leucops.
Nuttycombe JW, Waters AJ 1935 (citation)- on feeding habits, three type of feeding pharynx.
Nuttycombe JW, Waters AJ 1938 (citation)- on the American species of Stenostomum, definition, etc.
Ruebush TK 1941 (citation)- in key to genera.
Marcus E 1945 (citation)- discussion of genus and species to be included. Gives key to species he
considers valid and notes on others, includes species not found in Brazil. Also, notes
Graff L v 1913 (citation)- p 28, describes Weldonia parayguensis Martin 1905 = to Stenostomum biaculatum,
as well move by Luther A 1907 (citation) to Stenostomum parayguensis. Covers synonomy.
Marcus E 1945 (citation)- more on this genus in his complete and detailed discussion of the
Catenulids- histology, physiology, behavior, etc. Some taxonomy.
Correa DD 1949 (citation)- mentions digestion in p 187, 189.
Marcus E 1950 (citation)- mentions p 23, 113.
Hyman LH 1951 (citation)- vol 2, p 137 notes this is one of most common fresh water invertebrates, notes they
flame bulbs; p 138 on sexual reproduction- protandrous, no one has induced sexuality in laboratory, etc;
hypodermic impregnation in fertilized egg, released by ruptures and female dies; p 31 figure of
asexual reproduction (after Child), asexual reproduction in male phase but not in female, etc.;
p 182 ready regeneration in discussion and description many experiments on, also figure 73 A;
p 194 may have holotrichous ciliates of mostly free living genera may occur in Stenostomum; p 201 role
of ciliated pits in feeding; p 205 intracellular or extracellular digestion?; p 208 on excretion of dyes
thru protonephridia; p 209 degeneration of flame bulbs results in edema, etc.; p 219 on learning in;
p 91 and 97 on sense organs in, especially bowl shaped bodies as receptors (for light??), illustration
p 96 one on each side by pharynx; p 109 on excretory system, flame bulbs are present?; p 130 illustration
of hypodermic impregnation in, illustration of sagittal section through the male system.
Luther A 1960 (citation)- comments on difficulties in the genus- gives key to Finnish species and description
of these, etc.
Rixen J-U 1961 (citation)- brief comment.
Steinbock O 1966 (citation)- mentions p 81.
Beklemischev VN 1969 (citation)- Vol II, illustration of pharynx in p 190.
Moraczewski J, Czubaj A, Bakowska J 1977 (citation)- neurosecretory cells- ultrastructure in a species of this
Moraczewski J, Czubaj A, Kwiatkowska J 1977 (citation)- neurosecretory cells and brain structure in a species
of this genus.
Rogozin AG 1994 (citation)- "Key to freshwater invertebrates of Russia and adjacent lands." Taxa included
Bothromesostoma Braun 1885
Castrada Schmidt 1862
Castrella Fuhrmann 1900
Catenulida Meixner 1924
Dalyellia Flemming 1822
Gieysztoria Ruebush & Hayes 1939
Macrostomida Karling 1940
Macrostomum Schmidt 1848
Mesostoma Ehrenberg 1837
Microdalyellia Gieysztor 1938
Microstomum Schmidt 1848
Olisthanella Voigt 1892
Opistomum Schmidt 1848
Phaenocora Ehrenberg 1835
Prorhynchidae Hallez 1894
Stenostomidae Vejdovsky 1880
Stenostomum Schmidt 1848
Strongylostoma Orsted 1843
Child CM 1901 (citation)- Studies on Regulation......
Child CM 1901 (citation)- Studies on Regulation......
Child CM 1902 (citation)- Studies on Regulation......
Child CM 1902 (citation)- Studies on Regulation......
Child CM 1903 (citation)- Studies on Regulation......
Child CM 1903 (citation)- Studies on Regulation......
Child CM 1903 (citation)- Studies on Regulation......
Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:8
Specimens with Sequences:17
Specimens with Barcodes:15
Species With Barcodes:6
Public Records:7
Public Species:6
Public BINs:0