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Mirabilis jalapa L.
EOL Text
Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLDS) Stats
Public Records: 8
Specimens with Barcodes: 14
Species With Barcodes: 1
United States
Rounded National Status Rank: N4 - Apparently Secure
"Notes: Plains to High Altitude, Cultivated, Native of Peru"
Rounded Global Status Rank: G4 - Apparently Secure
United States
Origin: Native
Regularity: Regularly occurring
Currently: Present
Confidence: Confident
United States
Rounded National Status Rank: NNA - Not Applicable
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Rights holder/Author | NatureServe |
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United States
Origin: Exotic
Regularity: Regularly occurring
Currently: Unknown/Undetermined
Confidence: Confident
License | |
Rights holder/Author | NatureServe |
Source | |
Rounded Global Status Rank: GNR - Not Yet Ranked
License | |
Rights holder/Author | NatureServe |
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"Maharashtra: Ahmednagar Karnataka: Belgaum, Mysore, N. Kanara Kerala: All districts Tamil Nadu: All districts"
Root: For a drastic purgative and depurative. Used against hydropsy and gout. Leaf: In Surinam, a poultice of the leaves is used to hasten scab formation on wounds.