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Passiflora talamancensis Killip
EOL Text
Isotype for Passiflora talamancensis Killip
Catalog Number: US 471921
Collection: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany
Verification Degree: Original publication and alleged type specimen examined
Preparation: Pressed specimen
Collector(s): A. Tonduz
Year Collected: 1895
Locality: Xirores, Talamanca, Costa Rica, Central America
Elevation (m): 100 to 100
- Isotype: Killip, E. P. 1922. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 12: 260.
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Rights holder/Author | This image was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution. Unless otherwise noted, this image or its contents may be protected by international copyright laws. |
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Statistics of barcoding coverage: Passiflora talamancensis:
Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLDS) Stats
Public Records: 2
Specimens with Barcodes: 2
Species With Barcodes: 1