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Monocotyledons / Monocotiledóneas
Syngonium Schott
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Syngonium /sɪŋˈɡoʊniəm/[3] is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to tropical rain forests in southern Mexico, the West Indies, Central and South America.[2] They are woody vines growing to heights of 10–20 m or more in trees. They have leaves that change shape according to the plant's stage of growth, and adult leaf forms are often much more lobed than the juvenile forms usually seen on small house plants.
Syngonium species are often grown as house plants, usually only in the juvenile foliage stages. Syngonium podophyllum is the most commonly cultivated species, and is often referred to simply as Syngonium. For successful growth, a winter minimum temperature 16 °C to 18 °C (60 to 65°F) must be maintained, rising to 20 °C to 30 °C (68 to 86°F) during the growing season. They require high humidity, including misting the leaves regularly, and good light, but not direct sunlight; they will tolerate low light levels. Water freely from spring to autumn, sparingly in winter. Feed regularly in spring and summer. If juvenile foliage is preferred, cut off all the climbing stems that develop — the plant will remain bushy, rather than climb, and the leaves will be more arrow-shaped. Repot every second spring. Propagation is by cuttings or air layering.
- Species[2]
- Syngonium angustatum Schott - Mexico, Central America, Colombia; naturalized in Bahamas, Netherlands Antilles, Bismarck Archipelago
- Syngonium armigerum (Standl. & L.O.Williams) Croat - Costa Rica
- Syngonium atrovirens G.S.Bunting - Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia
- Syngonium auritum (L.) Schott - Greater Antilles
- Syngonium castroi Grayum - Costa Rica
- Syngonium chiapense Matuda - Chiapas, Oaxaca, Veracruz, Guatemala
- Syngonium chocoanum Croat - Colombia
- Syngonium crassifolium (Engl.) Croat - Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia
- Syngonium dodsonianum Croat - Ecuador
- Syngonium erythrophyllum Birdsey ex G.S.Bunting - Panama
- Syngonium foreroanum Croat - Colombia
- Syngonium gentryanum Croat - Peru
- Syngonium harlingianum Croat - Ecuador
- Syngonium hastiferum (Standl. & L.O.Williams) Croat - Costa Rica, Honduras
- Syngonium hastifolium Engl. - Peru, northwestern Brazil
- Syngonium hoffmannii Schott - Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama
- Syngonium laterinervium Croat - Costa Rica, Panama
- Syngonium llanoense Croat - Panama
- Syngonium macrophyllum Engl. - Chiapas, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Central America, Colombia, Ecuador
- Syngonium mauroanum Birdsey ex G.S.Bunting - Costa Rica, Panama
- Syngonium meridense G.S.Bunting - Mérida State in Venezuela
- Syngonium neglectum Schott - widespread across much of Mexico
- Syngonium oduberi T.Ray - Costa Rica
- Syngonium podophyllum Schott - Trinidad & Tobago, Latin America from Mexico to Brazil and Bolivia; naturalized in Bahamas, West Indies, Florida, Hawaii, Seychelles, Borneo, Malaysia
- Syngonium rayi Grayum - Costa Rica, Panama
- Syngonium sagittatum G.S.Bunting - Oaxaca
- Syngonium salvadorense Schott - Chiapas, Guatemala, El Salvador
- Syngonium schottianum H.Wendl. ex Schott - Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama
- Syngonium sparreorum Croat - Ecuador
- Syngonium standleyanum G.S.Bunting - Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua
- Syngonium steyermarkii Croat - Chiapas, Guatemala
- Syngonium triphyllum Birdsey ex Croat - Belize, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Ecuador
- Syngonium wendlandii Schott - Costa Rica
- Syngonium yurimaguense Engl. - Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, northwestern Brazil
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Hierbas epífitas o hemiepífitas, usualmente trepadoras mediante raíces aéreas. Tallos produciendo abundante látex lechoso. Hojas alterans, simples o divididas en 3-11 folíolos; pecíolos formando una vaina foliar en la base. Inflorescencias axilares, solitarias o en grupos de hasta 11; pedúnculos de la inflorescencia erectos, péndulos al fructificar; espádice más corto que la espata, erecto, con las flores pistiladas en posición basal; espata carnosa, convoluta, notablemente angosta en el medio, el tubo elipsoide, la lámina blancuzca a verdosa, abriendo al madurar. Flores unisexuales, el perianto ausente; estambres 3-4, unidos en un sinandrio; ovario súpero, con (1) 2 (3) lóculos, los cuales contienen 1 o con menos frecuencia 2 óvulos; estigma discoide o bilabiado. Fruto una baya conteniendo una sola semilla, éstas unidas formando un sincarpo ovoide. Género neotropical con 35 especies, en su mayoría trepadoras.
Epiphytic or hemiepiphytic herbs, usually climbing by means of aerial roots. Stems producing abundant milky latex. Leaves simple or divided into 3-11 leaflets; petioles forming a leaf sheath at the base. Inflorescences axillary, solitary or in groups of up to 11; peduncles of the inflorescence erect, pendulous when fruiting; spathe fleshy, convolute, notably narrow in the middle, the tube ellipsoid, the blade whitish to greenish, opening when mature; spadix shorter than the spathe, erect, with the pistillate flowers in a basal position. Flowers unisexual, the perianth absent; stamens 3-4, united into a synandrium; ovary with (1)2(3) locules, which contain 1 or less frequently 2 ovules; stigma discoid or bilabiate. Fruit a berry, containing a single seed, united to form an ovoid syncarp. A neotropical genus of 33 species, the majority climbing.
Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:33
Specimens with Sequences:37
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Public Records:21
Public Species:4
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Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLDS) Stats
Public Records: 0
Specimens with Barcodes: 2
Species With Barcodes: 1