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Monocotyledons / Monocotiledóneas
Tripogandra serrulata (Vahl) Handlos
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Whole plant: Infusion of "red" and "white" plants is used for kidney disorders; "red" plant is boiled with Scoparia dulcis and Momordica charantia and the liquid is drunk as a purgative; decocted with leaves of Persea americana for biliousness. Diuretic; refreshant. Macerated plant is soaked in water overnight and drunk, to ensure success before embarking on a hunting expedition, especially when hunting savanna deer, by the Guyana Patamona. In NW Guyana, used to treat biliousness, loss of hair, kidney disease, and to cleanse womb and tubes. Leaf: Macerated leaves are applied to the face to encourage beard growth. Leaves are boiled and used as a tonic, by the Guyana Patamona. Leaves are boiled, and the water drunk as a treatment for tuberculosis, by the Guyana Patamona.
French Guiana: raguet-crapaud. Guyana: zeb-grass. Guyana Patamona: wa-gu-ma-yik.
Tradescantia elongata Meyer