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Rhizophoraceae Pers.
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The family Rhizophoraceae includes around 135 tropical (especially Old World) species of trees and shrubs placed in around 15 genera (Mabberley 2008). Although some are mangroves (around 18 species in four genera: Bruguiera, Ceriops, Kandelia, and Rhizophora), others are not--and some species from other families are mangroves as well. Thus, although Rhizophoraceae includes a number of important and widespread mangrove species, with viviparous seeds and aerial roots, it should not be thought of as "the mangrove family". The principal genera in Rhizophoraceae are Bruguiera, Carallia, Cassipourea, Ceriops, Crossostylis, Pellacalyx, and Rhizophora (Mabberley 2008). Rhizophora is the most conspicuous genus in tropical, coastal mangrove ecosystems (Cerón-Souza et al. 2010).
Both molecular phylogenetic analyses and analysis of floral structures indicate that the sister group to Rhizophoraceae is Erythroxylaceae (best known for the Erythroxylum species from which cocaine is derived) (Setoguchi et al. 1999; Matthews and Endress 2011 and references therein)
Juncosa and Tomlinson (1988) provided a thorough review of the taxonomic history of Rhizophoraceae to 1988. For up-to-date estimates of numbers of genera and species for Rhizophoraceae or other flowering plant families, as well as current information on relationships among flowering plant families, see the Angiosperm Phylogeny Website.
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Rights holder/Author | Leo Shapiro, Leo Shapiro |
Source | No source database. |
Trees and shrubs. Leaves simple, opposite, rarely whorled, with interpetiolar stipules. Inflorescences axillary, of various types. Flowers bisexual (in ours), actinomorphic. Calyx gamosepalous; lobes 4-5(-7). Petals as many as calyx lobes and alternating with them, free. Stamens twice as many as petals or more. Ovary inferior to superior; style 1 (in ours). Fruit a berry, drupe or (in ours) a capsule. Seeds arillate.
Collaboration benefits multiple participants: mangrove forests
Several species of epiphytes, ants, fungi, and butterflies in mangrove forests provide benefits to each other through mutualism.
"For instance, in [sic] Australian Myrmecodia plants, which may weigh several kilograms, have a bulbous stem honeycombed with tunnels occupied by the ant Iridomyrmex (and, in addition, a butterfly larva). Ants living in such 'ant-house' plants clearly gain protection: is there any advantage to the plant? Another myrmecophyte species, Hydnophytum formicarium, has specialised absorptive chambers. Ants deposit their debris here, and it has been demonstrated experimentally that when the colony is fed radioactively labelled Drosophila larvae radioactive compounds are absorbed into the plant. The relationship is therefore mutual: ants obtain shelter, and the plants a supply of scarce nutrients, particularly nitrogen. Saprophytic fungi growing in the ant galleries probably play a role in releasing soluble nutrients from the ant debris. To make the situation even more complicated, the ants also tend larvae of the butterfly Hypochrysops which feed on the tubers and leaves of the ant plant. An epiphytic plant therefore grows on a mangrove tree, accommodates ants, which tend butterfly larvae and supply nutrients to their host, aided by fungi: two plants, one or more fungi, and two animal species interacting (Huxley 1978; Janzen 1974)." (Hogarth 1999:58)
Learn more about this functional adaptation.
- Hogarth, P. J. The biology of mangroves. Oxford University Press. 228 p.
- Huxley, CR. 1978. The ant-plants Myrmecodia and Hydnophytum (Rubiaceae) and the relationships between their morphology, ant occupants, physiology and ecology. New Phytologist. 80: 231-268.
- Janzen, DH. 1974. Epiphytic myrmecophytes in Sarawak: mutualism through the feeding of plants by ants. Biotropica. 6: 237-259.
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Rights holder/Author | (c) 2008-2009 The Biomimicry Institute |
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Oxygenating soil: mangroves
Mangroves transfer oxygen to surrounding anoxic soil via specialized aerial roots called pneumatophores.
"Sub-surface transfer of oxygen, by means of aerial roots and pneumatophores, is so effective that the mud in the vicinity of underground mangrove roots is less anoxic than that at distance from the root. Mangrove roots oxygenate their environment (p.10)." (Hogarth 1999:49)
Learn more about this functional adaptation.
- Hogarth, P. J. The biology of mangroves. Oxford University Press. 228 p.
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Rights holder/Author | (c) 2008-2009 The Biomimicry Institute |
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Membranes desalinate water: mangrove
Mangroves extract salt from water via transpiration and filtering through membranes.
"Nature did not refrain from using energy produced in the power stations of plants for other important functions of life. One example is the desalination of seawater by evaporation energy. At the edge of shallow coastal waters of tropical seas we find the luscious green of mangrove swamps. Mangroves can live on the saline water of the ocean, which destroys other green terrestrial plants. In some species of mangroves the sap is almost salt-free, though the roots are washed by sea water. They extract the salt by using the transpiration energy in the narrow capillaries of their roots to suck up the sea water and then filtering it through thin membranes in which the salt is detained." (Tributsch 1984:184)
Learn more about this functional adaptation.
- Tributsch, H. 1984. How life learned to live. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. 218 p.
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Rights holder/Author | (c) 2008-2009 The Biomimicry Institute |
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Seeds survive various conditions: mangroves
Some species of mangrove seedlings enhance their chances of survival due to several characteristics: sharp spikes stick in the ground, photosynthesizing stem, and adaptations for both salty and fresh water.
"The aerial prop roots give adult trees considerable stability. But seedlings have more difficulty in getting a hold on the capriciously moving surface of the mud. Some species of mangrove, however, manage to plant their offspring with as much firmness as a gardener armed with a dibble. The seeds germinate while they are still attached to their parent. A long green spike develops that hangs vertically downwards. In some species it may measure as much as two feet. Eventually, it falls. If the tide is out, it may stab straight into the soft mud. Tiny rootlets then grow out from its flanks with great speed and within hours the young seedling may have established itself firmly enough to resist the swill of the returning tide…If the tide happens to be in when the seedling falls, then instead of rooting immediately, it travels. That may be riskier, for it may be swept out to sea and lost altogether. But potentially it is more beneficial for the species as a whole, for the youngster is taken away from its natal swamp where it would be competing with its parent and ferried to territory that may not yet have been colonised by mangroves. At first, it hangs vertically in the brackish water. But if it is carried beyond the estuary then the water becomes saltier and more buoyant so that the seedling begins to float horizontally. That may save its life. If the tender terminal bud, from which leaves will spring in due course, were exposed, unshaded in the tropical sun, it could easily over-heat, even scorch. Floating horizontally, however, it is continually lapped by water and kept cool. The flank of the long root benefits from being exposed along its length for it is green with chlorophyll and is able to photosynthesize. The food it manufactures keeps the whole root alive and growing and it can survive floating at sea for months. If eventually the capricious tides do carry it to another brackish estuary, then the buoyancy of the water is reduced and the young mangrove once again hangs vertically, ready to catch on the bottom of shallows which might be a suitable place to grow." (Attenborough 1995:298-301)
Learn more about this functional adaptation.
- Attenborough, D. 1995. The Private Life of Plants: A Natural History of Plant Behavior. London: BBC Books. 320 p.
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Rights holder/Author | (c) 2008-2009 The Biomimicry Institute |
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Leaves optimize internal state: mangrove
Leaves of mangroves minimize heat gain, enhance cooling, minimize water loss, and maximize photosynthesis by optimizing tilt angles and leaf size.
"Parsimonious use of water leads to other problems. Photosynthesis proceeds most rapidly in Rhizophora at a temperature of 25°C, falling off sharply above 35°C. The optimal temperature is typical of the air temperature within a mangrove forest. However, to maximise photosynthesis a leaf must position itself broadside-on to the sun. Maximising incident light, unfortunately, also maximises heat gain, and the temperature of a leaf in this position rapidly rises to 10--11°C above air temperature. One way of reducing leaf temperature would be to increase the transpiration rate and lose heat by evaporation. Mangroves cannot afford to do this. Instead, they tend to hold their leaves at an angle to the horizontal, so minimising heat gain. The angle varies from about 75° in leaves with greatest exposure to the sun, to 0° (horizontal) in leaves in full shade. Cooling is also enhanced by leaf design. Small leaves lose more heat by convection than large ones: leaves exposed to full sunlight, and heat-stressed, are smaller than those that are shaded. Leaves also tend to be smaller in the more salt-tolerant species, where water economy must be more stringent (Ball 1988a; Ball et al. 1988). Such constraints on leaf morphology may explain the convergent similarity between the leaves of different mangrove species." (Hogarth 1999:17)
Learn more about this functional adaptation.
- Hogarth, P. J. The biology of mangroves. Oxford University Press. 228 p.
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Rights holder/Author | (c) 2008-2009 The Biomimicry Institute |
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Selective strategies aid competitive success: mangrove forests
Mangrove forests successfully compete for resources by exhibiting both r-selected (pioneer) and K-selected (competitive) attributes.
"Succession is part of the normal dynamics of many forest types: the chance appearance of gaps, rapidly colonised by opportunistic 'weeds' which are progressively ousted by slower-growing but more competitive species until a mature forest reappears…Some of the differences and similarities between mangroves and their non-mangrove counterparts are shown in Table 2.4. The comparisons suggest that mangroves resemble (r-selected) pioneer species in their reproductive characteristics, but as adult trees they behave more as mature-phase competitive (K-selected) species. This observation, that mangroves contrive to have their cake and eat it (Tomlinson 1986) should prove a fruitful insight into the dynamics of mangrove forests." (Hogarth 1999:45)
Learn more about this functional adaptation.
- Hogarth, P. J. The biology of mangroves. Oxford University Press. 228 p.
- Tomlinson, PB. 1986. The botany of mangroves. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Smith, TJ. 1992. Forest structure p 101-136 In Tropical mangrove ecosystems. Coastal and estuarine studies no. 4. In: Robertson, AI; Alongi, DM, editors. Washington D.C.: American Geophysical Union.
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Rights holder/Author | (c) 2008-2009 The Biomimicry Institute |
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Old leaves help remove excess salt: mangrove
The leaves of some mangroves aid in the removal of excess salt because salt is deposited in the old leaves that are about to be shed.
"But the difficulties faced by a human being are as nothing compared with those with which the mangroves themselves must deal. Twice a day the tide rises to drown their roots, and then recedes to expose them to the air. Twice a day the water around them changes from salty as the tide comes in, to almost fresh as it goes out and the flow of the river water pushes back the sea. And every day, there is the danger that the slightest eddy in the current will remove mud that was deposited only yesterday…The trees' problem with sea water is due to the fact that when two solutions with differing concentrations of salt come into contact on either side of a membrane, they tend to equalise. So salt will enter the mangrove's root tissues and water within those tissues will flow out into the sea water. Some mangroves deal with this continuous inward flow of salt by carrying it away from their roots in their sap and depositing it in their older leaves that are soon due to be shed. Others have glands on their leaves which excrete it in solutions that are twenty times more concentrated than their sap, and even greater than it is in sea water." (Attenborough 1995:298)
Learn more about this functional adaptation.
- Attenborough, D. 1995. The Private Life of Plants: A Natural History of Plant Behavior. London: BBC Books. 320 p.
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Rights holder/Author | (c) 2008-2009 The Biomimicry Institute |
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Glands excrete excess salt: mangrove
The leaves of some mangroves excrete salt in highly concentrated solutions via specialized salt glands.
"But the difficulties faced by a human being are as nothing compared with those with which the mangroves themselves must deal. Twice a day the tide rises to drown their roots, and then recedes to expose them to the air. Twice a day the water around them changes from salty as the tide comes in, to almost fresh as it goes out and the flow of the river water pushes back the sea. And every day, there is the danger that the slightest eddy in the current will remove mud that was deposited only yesterday…The trees' problem with sea water is due to the fact that when two solutions with differing concentrations of salt come into contact on either side of a membrane, they tend to equalise. So salt will enter the mangrove's root tissues and water within those tissues will flow out into the sea water. Some mangroves deal with this continuous inward flow of salt by carrying it away from their roots in their sap and depositing it in their older leaves that are soon due to be shed. Others have glands on their leaves which excrete it in solutions that are twenty times more concentrated than their sap, and even greater than it is in sea water." (Attenborough 1995:298)
Learn more about this functional adaptation.
- Attenborough, D. 1995. The Private Life of Plants: A Natural History of Plant Behavior. London: BBC Books. 320 p.
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Rights holder/Author | (c) 2008-2009 The Biomimicry Institute |
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