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Turneraceae Kunth ex DC.
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Annual or perennial herbs (in ours). Stipules small or 0. Leaves alternate, simple and serrate or deeply divided. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, sometimes heterostylous. Calyx 5-lobed. Petals 5. Ovary superior, 1-locular. Styles 3 with fimbriate or laciniate stigmas. Fruit a 3-valved many-seeded (in ours) capsule. Seeds with a 1-sided aril.
Turneraceae is a family of flowering plants consisting of 120 species in 10 genera. The Cronquist system placed the Turneracids in the order Violales, but under the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification, it belongs to the order Malpighiales.
Most species in Turneraceae are tropical or sub-tropical shrubs, with a few trees. Half of the family's species belong to the genus Turnera, including the herb damiana (T. diffusa, T. aphrodisiaca), the yellow alder (T. pumilea), which is not really an alder, and the "ramgoat dashalong" (T. ulmifolia). Another type of plant in Turneraceae with a vernacular name is stripeseed, which is actually three different species of the genus Piriqueta - the pitted stripeseed (P. cistoides), the rigid stripeseed (P. racemosa), and the purple stripeseed (P. viscosa).
Family Turneraceae is sometimes absorbed into the related family Passifloraceae.
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