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Arachnothryx Planch.
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Specimen Records:16
Specimens with Sequences:11
Specimens with Barcodes:11
Species With Barcodes:4
Public Records:6
Public Species:3
Public BINs:0
Arachnothryx is a genus of flowering plants in the Rubiaceae family. It contains about 107 species. It is found from Mexico to Peru and in Trinidad.[1]
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Arachnothryx was named by Jules Émile Planchon in 1849.[2][3] This generic name is derived from Ancient Greek: arachne or arachnos, "a spider", and thrix or trichos, "hair".[4]
As currently circumscribed, Arachnothryx is paraphyletic over Cuatrecasasiodendron, Gonzalagunia, and Javorkaea. Some authors have included these genera in a broadly defined Rondeletia, but molecular phylogenetic studies have shown that they are more closely related to Guettarda than to Rondeletia.[5]
- Arachnothryx aspera (Standl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx atravesadensis (Lorence) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx bertieroides (Standl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx brachytyrsa Borhidi
- Arachnothryx brenesii (Standl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx buddleioides (Benth.) Planch.
- Arachnothryx calycophylla Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx calycosa (Donn.Sm.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx capitellata (Hemsl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx caucana (Standl. ex Steyerm.) Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx chaconii (Lorence) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx chiapensis (Brandegee) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx chimalaparum Lorence ex Borhidi
- Arachnothryx chimboracensis (Standl.) Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx chiriquiana (Lorence) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx colombiana (Rusby) Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx costanensis Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx costaricensis (Standl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx cupreiflora (K.Schum. & K.Krause) Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx darienensis (Standl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx discolor (Kunth) Planch.
- Arachnothryx dwyeri (Lorence) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx educta (Standl. ex Steyerm.) Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx euryphylla (Standl.) Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx evansii (Lorence) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx flocculosa Borhidi
- Arachnothryx fosbergii Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx galeottii (Standl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx garciae Standl. ex Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx ginetteae (Lorence) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx glabrata (Standl.) Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx gonzaleoides (Standl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx gracilis (Hemsl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx gracilispica (Standl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx guerrerensis (Lorence) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx guettardioides Standl. ex Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx heteranthera (Brandegee) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx hispidula Griseb.
- Arachnothryx hondurensis (Donn.Sm.) Lorence
- Arachnothryx izabalensis (Standl. & Steyerm.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx jurgensenii (Hemsl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx laniflora (Benth.) Planch.
- Arachnothryx latiloba Borhidi
- Arachnothryx leucophylla (Kunth) Planch.
- Arachnothryx lineolata Borhidi
- Arachnothryx linguiformis (Hemsl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx linguiloba Borhidi & Diego
- Arachnothryx lojensis Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx macrocalyx (Standl. & Steyerm.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx manantlanensis (Lorence) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx megalantha (Lorence) Lorence
- Arachnothryx mexicana (Turcz.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx michoacana Borhidi
- Arachnothryx monteverdensis (Lorence) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx monticola Borhidi
- Arachnothryx myriantha (Standl. & Steyerm.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx nebulosa (Standl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx nelsonii Lorence
- Arachnothryx nitida (Hemsl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx ovandensis (Lundell) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx ovata (Rusby) Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx pansamalana (Standl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx pauciflora Borhidi
- Arachnothryx perezii (Standl. ex Steyerm.) Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx peruviana (Standl.) Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx povedae (Lorence) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx purpurea (Lorence) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx pyramidalis (Lundell) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx reflexa (Benth.) Planch.
- Arachnothryx rekoi (Standl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx ricoae (Lorence) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx rosea Linden
- Arachnothryx rubens (L.O.Williams) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx rufescens (B.L.Rob.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx rugulosa (Standl.) Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx rzedowskii (Lorence) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx sanchezii Borhidi & Salas-Mor.
- Arachnothryx scabra (Hemsl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx scoti (Lorence) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx secunda (Standl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx secundiflora (B.L.Rob.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx septicidalis (B.L.Rob.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx sessilis Borhidi & G.Ortiz
- Arachnothryx sinaloae Borhidi
- Arachnothryx skutchii (Standl. & Steyerm.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx sousae Borhidi
- Arachnothryx spectabilis (Steyerm.) Rova
- Arachnothryx stachyoidea (Donn.Sm.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx subglabra Borhidi & N.C.Jiménez
- Arachnothryx tacanensis (Lundell) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx tayloriae (Lorence) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx tenorioi (Lorence) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx tenuisepala Borhidi
- Arachnothryx thiemei (Donn.Sm.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx torresii (Standl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx tuxtlensis (Lorence & Cast.-Campos) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx uxpanapensis (Lorence & Cast.-Campos) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx venezuelensis Steyerm.
- Arachnothryx villosa (Hemsl.) Borhidi
- Arachnothryx wendtii (Lorence & Cast.-Campos) Borhidi
- ^ "Arachnothryx in the World Checklist of Rubiaceae". Retrieved January 2013.
- ^ Arachnothryx In: International Plant Names Index. (see External links below).
- ^ Jules Émile Planchon. 1849. Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe 5:442 and illustration. (see External links below).
- ^ Quattrocchi U (2000). CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names. 1. Boca Raton, New York, Washinton DC, London: CRC Press. ISBN 978-0-8493-2675-2.
- ^ Manns U, Bremer B (2010). "Towards a better understanding of intertribal relationships and stable tribal delimitations within Cinchonoideae s.s. (Rubiaceae)". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 56: 21–39.
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