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Barleria L.
EOL Text
Small shrubs or suffrutices. Leaves opposite. Flowers usually in cymes, or solitary and axillary, or in terminal spikes or heads with reduced leaves; bracts and bracteoles sometimes spiny. Calyx 4-partite; segments unequal, leaf-like or membranous, sometimes spiny, the two outer enclosing the inner. Corolla ± actinomorphic, 4-5-lobed or ± 2-lipped, with a tubular base; lobes obovate, sometimes unequal. Stamens 2 or 4, not didynamous. Ovary 2-locular with 2 ovules per loculus. Capsule solid in upper part; seeds flat with hygroscopic hairs.
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Rights holder/Author | Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings, Flora of Zimbabwe |
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Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:106
Specimens with Sequences:207
Specimens with Barcodes:153
Species With Barcodes:26
Public Records:19
Public Species:7
Public BINs:0
Barleria is a genus of plants in the family Acanthaceae.
Some species include:
- B. acanthoides Vahl
- B. aculeata Balf.f.
- B. albostellata C.B.Clarke, the Grey Barleria
- B. cristata L., the Crested Philippine violet
- B. greenii M.&K.Balkwill, Green's Barleria
- B. lupulina Lindl., the Hop-headed Barleria or Snake bush
- B. mysorensis B.Heyne ex Roth
- B. observatrix Bosser & Heine
- B. obtusa Nees, the Bush violet
- B. opaca (Vahl) Nees
- B. popovii Verdc.
- B. pretoriensis C.B.Clarke
- B. prionitis L., the Porcupine flower
- B. repens Nees, the Small bush violet
- B. rotundifolia Oberm.
- B. siamensis Craib
- B. strigosa Willd.
- B. tetracantha Balf.f.
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Rights holder/Author | Wikipedia |
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Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLDS) Stats
Public Records: 0
Specimens with Barcodes: 4
Species With Barcodes: 1
Barleria obtusa, the bush violet, occurs naturally along forest margins in the summer rainfall region of South Africa. It is widely cultivated as a decorative garden shrub.
In tropical Africa, the leaves are cooked as a vegetable, and the plant is used medicinally.[1]
- ^ Grubben, G.J.H. & Denton, O.A. (2004) Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 2. Vegetables. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen; Backhuys, Leiden; CTA, Wageningen.
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Rights holder/Author | Wikipedia |
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