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Calopogonium Desv.
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Bejucos poco leñosos, volubles. Hojas alternas, trifolioladas; estipelas y estípulas diminutas. Flores zigomorfas, bisexuales, en pseudoracimos axilares o fascículos, agregadas en las hinchazones nudosas del raquis; brácteas y bractéolas diminutas; pedicelos cortos. Cáliz campanulado-tubular, con los dos lóbulos superiores unidos para formar un labio, los 3 lóbulos inferiores lanceolados; corola azul o violeta, el estandarte obovado, auriculado en la base, las alas estrechas, la quilla más corta que las alas; estambres 9-10, diadelfos; ovario súpero, unicarpelar, sésil, hirsuto, con numerosos óvulos, el estilo curvo, glabro, el estigma capitado. Fruto una legumbre comprimida, linear, dehiscente, septada entre las semillas; semillas circulares. Género con 6-8 especies nativas de América continental tropical, naturalizado en el paleotrópico.
Slightly woody vines, twining. Leaves alternate, trifoliolate; stipels and stipules minute. Inflorescences of axillary pseudoracemes or fascicles; the flowers clustered on the nodal swellings of the rachis; bracts and bracteoles minute; pedicels short. Calyx campanulate-tubular, with the two upper lobes united to form a lip, the 3 lower lobes lanceolate; corolla blue or violet, the standard obovate, auriculate at the base, the wings narrow, the keel shorter than the wings; stamens 9-10, one of them free, the rest with the filaments united into a long tube; ovary superior, sessile, hirsute, with numerous ovules, the style curved, glabrous, the stigma capitate. Fruit a flattened legume, linear, dehiscent, septate between the seeds; seeds circular. A genus of 6-8 species, native to tropical continental America, naturalized in the paleotropics.
Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:20
Specimens with Sequences:24
Specimens with Barcodes:23
Species With Barcodes:4
Public Records:15
Public Species:4
Public BINs:0
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Calopogonium is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae. It belongs to the subfamily Faboideae.
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