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Cardiospermum L.
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Annual or perennial climbing herbs, stems ridged. Stipules small, caducous. Leaves alternate, compound (2-ternate to apparently pinnate). Inflorescence axillary, at the apex of a relatively long peduncle, with a pair of coiled tendrils just below. Flowers zygomorphic. Bracts minute. Sepals 4; lateral small, the other 2 larger. Petals 4. Stamens 8. Ovary 3-locular. Fruit an inflated membranous capsule. Seed black with a white, ovate to reniform (sometimes ± heart-shaped) hilum.
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Rights holder/Author | Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings, Flora of Zimbabwe |
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Bejucos herbáceos o hierbas erectas, sin látex. Tallos simples (corte transversal con un solo cilindro vascular), angulosos. Hojas alternas, trifolioladas o biternadas; folíolos cartáceos; raquis y pecíolos no alados; estípulas diminutas y deciduas. Zarcillos espiralados, pares en el eje de la inflorescencia (ésta a veces no desarrollada), vestigiales en las especies no trepadoras. Flores funcionalmente unisexuales, zigomorfas, agrupadas en cincinos laterales a lo largo de tirsos axilares; pedicelos articulados en la base; cáliz con 4 ó 5 sépalos libres; pétalos 4, cada uno con un apéndice petalífero en la superficie interna; disco floral unilateral, dividido en 2 o 4 glándulas; estambres 8, los filamentos desiguales, libres; ovario súpero, 3-carpelar, cada carpelo con un solo óvulo, el estilo simple, con 3 ramas estigmáticas. Fruto una cápsula inflada, membranácea, septicida; semillas una por lóculo, globosas o elipsoides, con una cicatriz reniforme o cordiforme blanca en la base. Género de origen neotropical con aproximadamente 15 especies, 3 de las cuales tienen distribución pantropical.
Herbaceous vines or erect herbs, lacking latex. Stems simple (cross section with a single vascular cylinder), angular. Leaves alternate, trifoliolate or biternate; leaflets chartaceous; rachis and petioles not winged; stipules minute and caducous. Tendrils spirally twisted, in pairs on the axis of the inflorescence (this sometimes not developed), vestigial in the non-climbing species. Inflorescence of axillary thyrses, with flowers grouped in lateral scorpioid cymes; pedicels articulated at the base; calyx of 4 or 5 sepals; petals 4, with a petaliferous appendage on the inner surface; floral disc unilateral, with 2 or 4 glands; stamens 8, the filaments unequal; ovary superior, 3-carpellate, the style simple, with 3 stigmatic branches. Fruit an inflated capsule, membranaceous, septicidal; seeds one per locule, globose or ellipsoid, with a white reniform or cordiform scar at the base. A genus of neotropical origin, of approximately 15 species, 3 of which have a pantropical distribution.
Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:37
Specimens with Sequences:36
Specimens with Barcodes:35
Species With Barcodes:4
Public Records:7
Public Species:3
Public BINs:0
Cardiospermum is a genus of approximately 14 species in the soapberry family, Sapindaceae, which are native to the American, Indian, and African tropics. The genus name is derived from the Greek words καρδία, meaning "heart," and σπέρμα, meaning "seed."[2] Common names of the members of this genus include Balloon Vine, Love in a Puff, Heartseed, and Heartseed Vine. These plants are classified as invasive species in parts of the Southern United States and South Africa.
The Cardiospermum genus consists primarily of herbaceous vines, which are cultivated in warm regions as ornamental plants. Extractions of Cardiospermum seed are included in skin creams that claim to treat eczema and other skin conditions.
Species include:
- ^ "Cardiospermum L.". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 2006-03-29. Retrieved 2010-01-19.
- ^ Ellis, Barbara W. (1999). Taylor's Guide to Annuals: How to Select and Grow More Than 400 Annuals, Biennials, and Tender Perennials. Houghton Mifflin Company. p. 246. ISBN 978-0-395-94352-6.
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Rights holder/Author | Wikipedia |
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