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Cayaponia Silva Manso
EOL Text
Bejucos herbáceos, monoicos o dioicos, glabros o pubescentes, con zarcillos axilares o laterales a las hojas; látex acuoso, usualmente abundante. Hojas alternas, pecioladas; láminas simples, enteras, lobadas, palmatilobadas o palmatífidas; estípulas ausentes. Flores unisexuales, actinomorfas, solitarias o en racimos, panículas o fascículos axilares. Cáliz campanulado, con 5 lóbulos diminutos; corolas tubulares, con lóbulos reflexos o expandidos; flores estaminadas con un pistilodio y 3 estambres exertos, los filamentos adnatos a la corola, las anteras sigmoides, concrescentes; flores pistiladas con 3 estaminodios; ovario ínfero, 3-carpelado, trilobado, el estilo simple, con 3 ramas estigmáticas. Fruto una pequeña baya; semillas 2-3, comprimidas. Género predominantemente neotropical con alrededor de 60 especies.
Herbaceous vines, monoecious or dioecious, glabrous or pubescent, with tendrils axillary or lateral to the leaves; latex watery, usually abundant. Leaves alternate, petiolate; blades simple, entire, lobed, palmatilobed or palmatifid; stipules absent. Flowers unisexual, actinomorphic, solitary or in racemes, panicles or fascicles, axillary. Calyx campanulate, with 5 minute lobes; corollas tubular, the lobes reflexed or expanded; staminate flowers with a pistillode and 3 exserted stamens, the filaments adnate to the corolla, the anthers sigmoid, concrescent; pistillate flowers with 3 staminodia; ovary inferior, 3- carpellate, trilobed, the style simple, with 3 stigmatic branches. Fruit a small berry; seeds 2-3, compressed. A predominantly neotropical genus of about 60 species.
Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:42
Specimens with Sequences:44
Specimens with Barcodes:17
Species With Barcodes:26
Public Records:33
Public Species:25
Public BINs:0
Cayaponia is the largest genus in the gourd family Cucurbitaceae, with about 60 species. The plants are referred to as melonleaf. They are common from the southern United States to South America. Some species are also found in western Africa, Madagascar, and Fernando de Noronha, which is about 354km off the coast of Brazil.[2][3] It is native the southern United States to central South America and the Caribbean islands. Most species are found in rainforests and have white or yellow-green flowers. The original Cayaponia were pollinated by bats, but at least two shifts to bee pollination have occurred among some of its species. This is apparently the first clade to shift from bat to bee pollination vice bee to bat pollination.[4] A 2011 study based on genetics placed the genus Selysia under this genus.[5]
Brazilian botanist António Luiz Patricio da Silva Manso named this genus after the indigenous Cayapo people of Brazil.[6]
- ^ GRIN (April 1, 2009). "Cayaponia Silva Manso". Taxonomy for Plants. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland: USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Retrieved September 14, 2013.
- ^ Grayum, Michael H. (December 2009). "Two New Trifoliolate-Leaved Species of Cucurbitaceae (Cucurbiteae) from Central and South America". Novon (Missouri Botanical Garden Press) 19 (4): 465–474. doi:10.2307/27765198. JSTOR 27765198. edit
- ^ "Cayaponia Silva Manso melonleaf". USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Retrieved September 12, 2013.
- ^ Duchen, Pablo; Renner, Susanne S. (July 2010). "The evolution of Cayaponia (Cucurbitaceae): Repeated shifts from bat to bee pollination and long-distance dispersal to Africa 2–5 million years ago". American Journal of Botany 97 (7): 1129–1141. doi:10.3732/ajb.0900385. JSTOR 27857329.
- ^ Schaefer, Hanno; Renner, Susanne S. (February 2011). "Phylogenetic Relationships in the Order Cucurbitales and a New Classification of the Gourd Family (Cucurbitaceae)" (PDF). Taxon 60 (1): 122–138. Retrieved 2 May 2011.
- ^ "Cayaponia". Northeastern Illinois University. Retrieved September 22, 2013. }
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