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Cissampelos L.
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Climbers or lianes. Leaves simple, peltate or subpeltate. entire or angular. Male inflorescences of small corymbose cymes, either solitary, clustered or forming false racemes. Male flowers: sepals 4(-5), obovate; petals usually connate; stamens connate into a 4-10-locular androecium. Female inflorescences less well developed than male. Female flowers: sepals 1; petals 1(-4); carpel 1. Fruit a hairy or glabrous drupe with thin fleshy mesocarp.
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Rights holder/Author | Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings, Flora of Zimbabwe |
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Bejucos herbáceos, volubles, dioicos, usualmente con tricomas simples. Hojas alternas; láminas redondeadas u ovadas, peltadas o cordiformes en la base, palmati-nervadas; pecíolos alargados; estípulas ausentes. Flores diminutas, unisexuales, pediceladas, en inflorescencias axilares. Flores estaminadas actinomorfas en corimbos; cáliz con 4 sépalos, libres; corola hipocrateriforme; estambres 4, connatos en un corto tubo, con anteras sésiles. Flores pistiladas zigomorfas, en cimas alargadas con brácteas foliáceas; cáliz y corola con un solo sépalo y un solo pétalo hacia el mismo lado de la flor; ovario súpero, sésil, unilocular, con un solo óvulo basal, el estigma lobado. Fruto una drupa globosa, carnosa, con el endocarpo leñoso y verrugoso; semilla en forma de herradura. Género con 19 especies con distribución pantropical.
CissampelosHerbaceous vines, twining, dioecious, usually with simple trichomes. Leaves alternate, rounded to ovate, peltate or cordiform at the base, palmately veined; petioles elongate; stipules absent. Flowers minute, unisexual, pedicellate, in axillary inflorescences. Staminate flowers actinomorphic, in corymbs; sepals 4, free; corolla hypocrateriform; stamens 4, connate into a short tube, with sessile anthers. Pistillate flowers zygomorphic, in elongate cymes with foliaceous bracts; calyx and corolla of a single sepal and a single petal toward the same side of the flower; ovary superior, sessile, unilocular, with a single basal ovule, the stigma lobate. Fruit a globose drupe, fleshy, with the endocarp woody and verrucose; seed horseshoe-shaped. A genus of 19 species, of pantropical distribution.
Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:57
Specimens with Sequences:74
Specimens with Barcodes:69
Species With Barcodes:11
Public Records:36
Public Species:9
Public BINs:0
Cissampelos is a genus of flowering plants in the family Menispermaceae.
Cissampelos pareira is used in Chinese herbology, where it is called xí shēng téng (锡生藤) or (亞乎奴). The species is also known as abuta and is also called laghu patha in Ayurvedic medicine. An ethanol extract of Cissampelos sympodialis has been shown to have antidepressant-like effects in mice and rats.[1] The Maasai people of Kenya use Cissampelos mucronata as a forage for their cattle,[2] and the roots of it have been used to treat malaria and has been reported to be used for relief of abdominal and rheumatic pains, as a febrifuge, as diuretic, for prevention of abortions, against gonorrhea, leprosy, stomach pains, and whooping cough. A Tanzanian study showed that it does, in fact have some anti malarial properties, the same article says that Cissampelos pareira is used in Madagascar as an antimalarial as well. [3]
Selected species[edit]
21 accepted species + 1 newly discovered species
- Cissampelos andromorpha DC.
- Cissampelos arenicola Ortiz RdC, MH Nee. 2014 New species[4]
- Cissampelos capensis L.f.
- Cissampelos fasciculata Benth.
- Cissampelos friesiorum Diels
- Cissampelos glaberrima A.St.-Hil.
- Cissampelos grandifolia Triana & Planch.
- Cissampelos hirta Klotzsch
- Cissampelos hispida Forman
- Cissampelos laxiflora Moldenke
- Cissampelos mucronata A.Rich.
- Cissampelos nepalensis Rhodes
- Cissampelos nigrescens Diels
- Cissampelos ovalifolia DC.
- Cissampelos owariensis P.Beauv. ex DC.
- Cissampelos pareira L.
- Cissampelos rigidifolia (Engl.) Diels
- Cissampelos sympodialis Eichler
- Cissampelos tenuipes Engl.
- Cissampelos torulosa E.Mey. ex Harv. & Sond.
- Cissampelos tropaeolifolia DC.
- Cissampelos verticillata Rhodes
- ^ Almeida, R; Navarro, DS; De Assis, TS; De Medeiros, IA; Thomas, G (1998). "Antidepressant effect of an ethanolic extract of the leaves of Cissampelos sympodialis in rats and mice". Journal of Ethnopharmacology ( 63 (3): 247–252. doi:10.1016/S0378-8741(98)00086-5. PMID 10030729. Retrieved 2008-03-02.
- ^ Bussmann, R. W.; Gilbreath, Genevieve G; Solio, John; Lutura, Manja; Lutuluo, Rumpac; Kunguru, Kimaren; Wood, Nick; Mathenge, Simon G (2006). "Plant use of the Maasai of Sekenani Valley, Maasai Mara, Kenya". J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 2: 22. doi:10.1186/1746-4269-2-22. PMC 1475560. PMID 16674830.
- ^ Gessler, M.C.; Nkunya, M.H.H; Mwasumbi, L.B.; Heinrich, M.; Tanner, M. (1994). "Screening Tanzanian medicinal plants for antimalarial activity". Acta Tropica 56 (1): 65. doi:10.1016/0001-706X(94)90041-8. PMID 8203297.
- ^ New Species of Sand-Dwelling Plant Discovered in Bolivia, Paraguay
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Rights holder/Author | Wikipedia |
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