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Dioclea Kunth
EOL Text
Bejucos leñosos, volubles, ocasionalmente sub-arbustos erectos. Hojas alternas, trifolioladas; estipelas diminutas; estípulas conspicuas, persistentes o ausentes. Flores bisexuales, zigomorfas, en pseudoracimos axilares, fasciculados, agregadas en las hinchazones nudosas del raquis; brácteas y bractéolas diminutas, deciduas. Cáliz campanulado, con 4 lóbulos, el lóbulo superior entero o emarginado; corola purpúrea o rara vez blanca, el estandarte reflexo, emarginado, auriculado y usualmente con 2 callos en la base, las alas libres, a veces espolonadas, la quilla fusionada distalmente, rostrada; estambres 10, pseudomonadelfos; ovario súpero, unicarpelar, velloso, estipitado o sésil, con 1 o más óvulos, el estilo comprimido o cilíndrico, el estigma capitado, terminal o subterminal. Fruto una legumbre linear, oblonga, obovada o semi-circular, comprimida o túrgida, coriácea o leñosa, dehiscente o indehiscente; semillas grandes, comprimidas a globosas con un hilum linear alargado. Género con alrededor de 55 especies distribuidas a través de los trópicos, con el mayor numero de especies en Sudamérica.
Woody vines, twining, occasionally erect subshrubs. Leaves alternate, trifoliolate; stipels minute; stipules conspicuous, persistent, or absent. Inflorescences of axillary pseudoracemes, fasciculate, the flowers grouped on the swellings along the rachis; bracts and bracteoles minute, deciduous. Calyx campanulate, with 4 lobes, the upper lobe entire or emarginate; corolla purple or rarely white, the standard reflexed, emarginate, auriculate and usually with 2 callosities at the base, the wings free, sometimes spurred, the keel distally fused, rostrate; stamens 10, pseudomonadelphous; ovary superior, villous, stipitate or sessile, with 1 or more ovules, the style flattened or cylindrical, the stigma capitate, terminal or subterminal. Fruit a linear, oblong, obovate, or almost circular legume, compressed or turgid, coriaceous or woody, dehiscent or indehiscent; seeds large, compressed to globose, with a linear, elongate hilum. A genus of about 55 species, distributed throughout the tropics, with the greater number of species in South America.
Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:35
Specimens with Sequences:39
Specimens with Barcodes:34
Species With Barcodes:11
Public Records:15
Public Species:8
Public BINs:0
- Dioclea is also the Latin name of the medieval Montenegrin state and of an Illyrian city, see: Duklja and Doclea (city).
Dioclea is a genus of flowering plants in the pea family, Fabaceae, that is native to the Americas. The seeds of these legumes are buoyant drift seeds, and are dispersed by rivers.
The A-type proanthocyanidin, epigallocatechin-(2β→7,4β→8)-epicatechin, together with epicatechin, luteolin 3′β-d-glucopyranoside, chrysoeriol 7β-d-glucopyranoside and 2-methylpentan-2,4-diol, can be found in the leaves of Dioclea lasiophylla,[3]
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- International Legume Database & Information Service (ILDIS) (2001): Genus Dioclea. Version 6.00, 2001-JUN-14. Retrieved 2007-DEC-17.
- International Legume Database & Information Service (ILDIS) (2005): Genus Dioclea. Version 10.01, November 2005. Retrieved 2007-DEC-17.
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