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Hippocratea L.
EOL Text
Lianes or climbing shrubs, less often small trees. Stipules free or ± united. Inflorescence of various forms, axillary. Bracts persistent. Flowers bisexual. Sepals (4-)5. Petals (4-)5(-6), green to white or yellow. Leaves opposite or subopposite, petiolate. Disk present, varying in shape. Stamens (2-)3(-4). Ovary superior, 3-locular. Stigmas 3. Fruit of 3 capsular, flattened mericarps, united at the base. Seeds usually winged.
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Rights holder/Author | Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings, Flora of Zimbabwe |
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Lianas con ramas opuestas alargadas, volubles. Hojas opuestas, pecioladas; láminas simples, crenadas o serruladas; pecíolos delgados; estípulas ausentes. Flores diminutas, bisexuales, actinomorfas, en cimas, panículas, corimbos o pseudoracimos axilares; brácteas pequeñas, cartáceas. Cáliz rotáceo, con 5 sépalos redondeados; corola con 5 pétalos libres; disco carnoso, pulviniforme; estambres 3, los filamentos adnatos a la porción superior del disco; ovario súpero, 3-carpelado, obtusamente triangular, trilocular, con 4-6 óvulos por lóculo, el estilo subulado, el estigma inconspicuo. Fruto de 3 mericarpos divergentes, achatados, cada uno dehiscente mediante una sutura media; semillas comprimidas, con un ala basal. Género con 3 especies, 2 en África y 1 en el neotrópico.
Lianas with opposite branches, elongate, twining. Leaves opposite, petiolate; blades simple, crenate, or serrulate; petioles slender; stipules absent. Flowers minute, bisexual, actinomorphic, in axillary cymes, panicles, corymbs, or pseudoracemes; bracts small, chartaceous. Calyx rotate, of 5 rounded sepals; corolla of 5 free petals; disc fleshy, pulviniform; stamens 3, the filaments adnate to the upper portion of the disc; ovary superior, 3-carpellate, obtusely triangular, trilocular, with 4-6 ovules per locule, the style subulate, the stigma inconspicuous. Fruit of 3 divergent, flattened mericarps, each dehiscent by a medial suture; seeds compressed, with a basal wing. A genus of 3 species, 2 in Africa and 1 in the Neotropics.
Depth range based on 6 specimens in 1 taxon.
Environmental ranges
Depth range (m): 1 - 1
Note: this information has not been validated. Check this *note*. Your feedback is most welcome.
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Rights holder/Author | Ocean Biogeographic Information System |
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Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:31
Specimens with Sequences:47
Specimens with Barcodes:47
Species With Barcodes:6
Public Records:11
Public Species:2
Public BINs:0