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Lobelia L.
EOL Text
Comments: The varieties of Lobelia x speciosa that were accepted in Kartesz (1999) are not accepted by the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (as of Nov. 2012).
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Rights holder/Author | NatureServe |
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Origin: Unknown/Undetermined
Regularity: Regularly occurring
Currently: Unknown/Undetermined
Confidence: Confident
United States
Origin: Unknown/Undetermined
Regularity: Regularly occurring
Currently: Unknown/Undetermined
Confidence: Confident
Annual or perennial herbs (in ours). Stems not twining. Leaves alternate. Bracteoles minute, ± linear, rarely 0. Flowers usually resupinate, zygomorphic. Corolla usually 2-lipped with upper lip 2-lobed, lower 3-lobed (rarely all petals form a single lip). (The terms 'upper' and 'lower' assume flowers are resupinate). Anthers (5) united into a tube; the two lower or all of them penicillate at tip, the two lower ones somewhat shorter than others. Ovary inferior to ± superior, 2-locular. Stigma lobes 2, surrounded by a ring of hairs. Fruit a capsule dehiscing by 2, rarely 4, apical valves; or, rarely indehiscent.
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Rights holder/Author | Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings, Flora of Zimbabwe |
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Rounded Global Status Rank: GNA - Not Applicable
Lobelia spp. (Lobelia)
(insect activity is unspecified; information is limited; this observation is from Smith et al.)
Bees (long-tongued)
Anthophoridae (Eucerini): Svastra petulca (Smh)
- Hilty, J. Editor. 2015. Insect Visitors of Illinois Wildflowers. World Wide Web electronic publication., version (09/2015)
See: Abbreviations for Insect Activities, Abbreviations for Scientific Observers, References for behavioral observations
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Rights holder/Author | Copyright © 2002-2015 by Dr. John Hilty |
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Decumbent or erect annual or sometimes perennial herb. Leaves oblanceolate to spathulate below, linear to narrowly elliptic towards the top of the stems, 15 - 80 mm long, hairless or pubescent on both surfaces, leaf base running down into a narrowly winged petiole; margin more or less coarsely toothed or scalloped. Flowers in lax racemes, pale to deep blue, rarely mauve or white. See L. kirkii for comparison.
Foodplant / pathogen
Arabis Mosaic virus infects and damages slightly mottled or distorted leaf of Lobelia
Foodplant / pathogen
Cucumber Mosaic virus infects and damages slightly mottled or distorted leaf of Lobelia
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Rights holder/Author | BioImages, BioImages - the Virtual Fieldguide (UK) |
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erinus: ancient name of a plant with this habit.
Lobelia (Potamogeton, Lobelia, Isoetes, Sparganium) is prey of:
Rutilus rutilus
Based on studies in:
Finland (Lake or pond, Littoral)
This list may not be complete but is based on published studies.
- J. Sarvala, Paarjarven energiatalous, Luonnon Tutkija 78:181-190, from p. 185.
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Rights holder/Author | Cynthia Sims Parr, Joel Sachs, SPIRE |
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