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Stachytarpheta Vahl
EOL Text
Herbs or shrubs. Leaves opposite or alternate, simple. Inflorescence an elongated terminal bracteate spike. Flowers sessile, crowded, each flower sunk into an hollow in the rhachis. Corolla blue, purple, red or white, funnel- or salver-shaped, 5-lobed. Fertile stamens 2. Ovary 2-locular. Fruit included within the persistent calyx, splitting into 2 mericarps, these shortly beaked, striate on the back and usually pitted near the apex.
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Rights holder/Author | Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings, Flora of Zimbabwe |
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Stachytarpheta sellowiana has been observed to be pollinated by bees; Eulema nigrita, Bombus spp. and Euglossa spp. have all been seen visiting the bright blue flowers of this shrub (2). This species has adapted to fire conditions and the large tuber-like root bursts into new growth immediately following a fire; it is thought that seed germination may also be dependent on fire (2).
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Rights holder/Author | Copyright Wildscreen 2003-2008 |
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Stachytarpheta sellowiana is a short shrub. The leaves are arranged at the upper portions of the stems, which are covered with short hairs (2). In season, this shrub bears small, bright blue flowers (2).
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Rights holder/Author | Copyright Wildscreen 2003-2008 |
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Endemic to Brazil, Stachytarpheta sellowiana is found only in the Sao Jose Mountain Range. It is extremely rare and a recent field trip only recorded 20 individual plants (3).
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Rights holder/Author | Copyright Wildscreen 2003-2008 |
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Inhabits campo rupestre vegetation; savannah vegetation unique to Brazil in which the plants are often adapted to fire. The area where Stachytarpheta sellowiana is found represents one of the most southerly reaches of this habitat (3).
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Rights holder/Author | Copyright Wildscreen 2003-2008 |
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Not evaluated at present.
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Rights holder/Author | Copyright Wildscreen 2003-2008 |
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The single population of as few as 20 individual plants is extremely vulnerable due to its highly restricted range. These plants exist only on an island of habitat surrounded by pasture and are therefore threatened by livestock grazing and also by trampling by people from a nearby village (3). The single group is vulnerable to any chance event, which has the potential to wipe out the entire wild population of this species.
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Rights holder/Author | Copyright Wildscreen 2003-2008 |
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In a last-ditch attempt to secure the future of this species, seeds have been collected for cultivation (2). The Micropropagation Unit at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew was successful in germinating some seeds but unfortunately these plants have not survived in cultivation (3). The protection of the last remaining site of this small Brazilian shrub may be the only current hope for its survival (2).
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Rights holder/Author | Copyright Wildscreen 2003-2008 |
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