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Albizia adinocephala (Donn. Sm.) Britton & Rose ex Record
EOL Text
Syntype for Pithecellobium adinocephalum Donn. Sm.
Catalog Number: US 471616
Collection: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany
Verification Degree: Original publication and alleged type specimen examined; Original publication and alleged type specimen examined
Preparation: Pressed specimen
Collector(s): A. Tonduz
Year Collected: 1894
Locality: La Verbena, Alajuela, Costa Rica, Central America
- Syntype: Donnell Smith, J. 1914. Bot. Gaz. 57: 419.; Barneby, R. C. & Grimes, J. W. 1996. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74 (1): 218.
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Rights holder/Author | This image was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution. Unless otherwise noted, this image or its contents may be protected by international copyright laws. |
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Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLDS) Stats
Public Records: 0
Specimens with Barcodes: 20
Species With Barcodes: 1
Perennial, Trees, Woody throughout, Nodules present, Stems erect or ascending, Stems greater than 2 m tall, Stems solid, Stems or young twigs glabrous or sparsely glabrate, Leaves alternate, Leaves petiolate, Extrafloral nectary glands on petiole, Stipules inconspicuous, absent, or caducous, Stipules deciduous, Stipules free, Leaves compound, Leaves bipinnate, Leaf or leaflet margins entire, Leaflets opposite, Leaflets 10-many, Leaves glabrous or nearly so, Inflorescences ra cemes, Inflorescence panicles, Inflorescences globose heads, capitate or subcapitate, Inflorescence axillary, Inflorescence terminal, Flowers actinomorphic or somewhat irregular, Calyx 5-lobed, Calyx hairy, Petals united, valvate, Petals ochroleucous, cream colored, Petals greenish yellow, Stamens numerous, more than 10, Stamens long exserted, Filaments glabrous, Style terete, Fruit a legume, Fruit unilocular, Fruit indehiscent, Fruit elongate, straight, Fruit oblong or ellipsoidal, Fruit or valves persistent on stem, Fruit exserted from calyx, Fruit compressed between seeds, Fruit glabrous or glabrate, Fruit 3-10 seeded, Seed with elliptical line or depression, pleurogram, Seeds ovoid to rounded in outline, Seed surface smooth, Seeds olive, brown, or black.
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Rights holder/Author | Compiled from several sources by Dr. David Bogler, Missouri Botanical Garden in collaboration with the USDA NRCS NPDC |
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Isosyntype for Pithecellobium adinocephalum Donn. Sm.
Catalog Number: US 1083397
Collection: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany
Verification Degree: Original publication and alleged type specimen examined; Original publication and alleged type specimen examined
Preparation: Pressed specimen
Collector(s): A. Tonduz
Year Collected: 1900
Locality: Forêts des collines de Nicoya., Costa Rica, Central America
- Isosyntype: Donnell Smith, J. 1914. Bot. Gaz. 57: 419.; Barneby, R. C. & Grimes, J. W. 1996. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74 (1): 218.
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Rights holder/Author | This image was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution. Unless otherwise noted, this image or its contents may be protected by international copyright laws. |
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Isosyntype for Pithecellobium adinocephalum Donn. Sm.
Catalog Number: US 942453
Collection: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany
Verification Degree: Original publication and alleged type specimen examined; Original publication and alleged type specimen examined
Preparation: Pressed specimen
Collector(s): A. Tonduz
Year Collected: 1900
Locality: Forêts des collines de Nicoya., Costa Rica, Central America
- Isosyntype: Donnell Smith, J. 1914. Bot. Gaz. 57: 419.; Barneby, R. C. & Grimes, J. W. 1996. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74 (1): 218.
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Rights holder/Author | This image was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution. Unless otherwise noted, this image or its contents may be protected by international copyright laws. |
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Isosyntype for Pithecellobium adinocephalum Donn. Sm.
Catalog Number: US 577744
Collection: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany
Verification Degree: Original publication and alleged type specimen examined; Original publication and alleged type specimen examined
Preparation: Pressed specimen
Collector(s): A. Tonduz
Year Collected: 1900
Locality: Forêts des collines de Nicoya., Costa Rica, Central America
- Isosyntype: Donnell Smith, J. 1914. Bot. Gaz. 57: 419.; Barneby, R. C. & Grimes, J. W. 1996. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74 (1): 218.
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Rights holder/Author | This image was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution. Unless otherwise noted, this image or its contents may be protected by international copyright laws. |
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Isotype; Isolectotype for Pithecellobium adinocephalum Donn. Sm.
Catalog Number: US 942454
Collection: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany
Verification Degree: Original publication and alleged type specimen examined; Original publication and alleged type specimen examined
Preparation: Pressed specimen
Collector(s): A. Tonduz
Year Collected: 1894
Locality: La Verbena., Costa Rica, Central America
Elevation (m): 1000
- Isotype: Pittier, H. F. 1922. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 20: 464.; Isolectotype: Donnell Smith, J. 1914. Bot. Gaz. 57: 419.; Barneby, R. C. & Grimes, J. W. 1996. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74 (1): 218.
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Rights holder/Author | This image was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution. Unless otherwise noted, this image or its contents may be protected by international copyright laws. |
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Isosyntype for Pithecellobium adinocephalum Donn. Sm.
Catalog Number: US 212774
Collection: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany
Verification Degree: Original publication and alleged type specimen examined; Original publication and alleged type specimen examined
Preparation: Pressed specimen
Collector(s): A. Tonduz
Year Collected: 1894
Locality: La Verbena., Alajuela, Costa Rica, Central America
- Isosyntype: Donnell Smith, J. 1914. Bot. Gaz. 57: 419.; Barneby, R. C. & Grimes, J. W. 1996. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74 (1): 218.
License | |
Rights holder/Author | This image was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution. Unless otherwise noted, this image or its contents may be protected by international copyright laws. |
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Holotype; Syntype; Lectotype for Pithecellobium adinocephalum Donn. Sm.
Catalog Number: US 471907
Collection: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany
Verification Degree: Original publication and alleged type specimen examined; Original publication and alleged type specimen examined
Preparation: Pressed specimen
Collector(s): A. Tonduz
Year Collected: 1894
Locality: La Verbena, Costa Rica, Central America
Elevation (m): 1000
- Holotype: Pittier, H. F. 1922. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 20: 464.; Syntype: Donnell Smith, J. 1914. Bot. Gaz. 57: 419.; Barneby, R. C. & Grimes, J. W. 1996. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74 (1): 218.; Lectotype: Donnell Smith, J. 1914. Bot. Gaz. 57: 419.; Barneby, R. C. & Grimes, J. W. 1996. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74 (1): 218.
License | |
Rights holder/Author | This image was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution. Unless otherwise noted, this image or its contents may be protected by international copyright laws. |
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Isotype; Syntype; Isolectotype for Pithecellobium adinocephalum Donn. Sm.
Catalog Number: US 354245
Collection: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany
Verification Degree: Original publication and alleged type specimen examined; Original publication and alleged type specimen examined
Preparation: Pressed specimen
Collector(s): A. Tonduz
Year Collected: 1894
Locality: La Verbena, Costa Rica, Central America
Elevation (m): 1000
- Isotype: Pittier, H. F. 1922. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 20: 464.; Syntype: Donnell Smith, J. 1914. Bot. Gaz. 57: 419.; Barneby, R. C. & Grimes, J. W. 1996. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74 (1): 218.; Isolectotype: Donnell Smith, J. 1914. Bot. Gaz. 57: 419.; Barneby, R. C. & Grimes, J. W. 1996. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74 (1): 218.
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Rights holder/Author | This image was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution. Unless otherwise noted, this image or its contents may be protected by international copyright laws. |
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