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Hibiscus sabdariffa L.
EOL Text
Herbs annual, erect, to 2 m tall; stems purplish, robust, glabrous. Stipules filiform, ca. 1 cm, sparsely villous; petiole 2-8 cm, sparsely villous; leaf blade dimorphic; blades on proximal part of stem ovate, those on distal part of stem palmately 3-lobed, lobes lanceolate, 2-8 × 0.5-1.5 cm, base rounded or broadly cuneate, margin serrate, apex obtuse or acuminate, glabrous; basal veins 3-5, glanduliferous along midrib on abaxial surface. Flowers solitary, axillary, subsessile. Epicalyx lobes 8-12, red, lanceolate, connate at base, 5-15 × 2-3 mm, sparsely long hirsute, with spiny appendix near apex. Calyx purplish, cup-shaped, connate for ca. 1/3 length, ca. 1 cm in diam., fleshy, sparsely spiny and coarsely hairy, lobes 5, triangular, 1-2 cm, acuminate. Corolla yellow with dark red center, 6-7 cm in diam. Capsule ovoid-globose, ca. 1.5 cm in diam., densely coarsely hairy. Seeds reniform, glabrous. Fl. summer-autumn.
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Rights holder/Author | Copyright © Missouri Botanical Garden |
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óleo essencial
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Rights holder/Author | CPQBA/UNICAMP, IABIN |
Source | No source database. |
An annual or perennial, simple or branched herb. Stem with sparse, simple, bulbous, spiny hairs. Blade ovate and not lobed in the lowermost part, in the upper part 3-7 partite; lobes elliptic-lanceolate, coarsely serrate, nearly glabrous on both sides; stipules 6-8 mm long, filiform; petiole 4-15 cm long, almost somewhat spiny near the top. Flowers axillary, solitary, subsessile; epicalyx segments 7-8, linear, 6-10 mm long, sparsely prickly. Calyx fused at the base, 1-2.5 cm long, wooly, also setose or prickly, lobes long acuminate-aristate, with a swollen, linear gland on the central nerve at the base. Corolla yellow with a crimson centre, 3-5 cm across; petals obovate, 4-6 cm long, 2-4 cm broad. Staminal column inserted. Capsule 1.5-2 cm long, c. 1 cm across, conical, beaked, appressed-setose. Seeds many, 2-3 mm long, brown.
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Rights holder/Author | Copyright © Missouri Botanical Garden |
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United States
Rounded National Status Rank: NNA - Not Applicable
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Rights holder/Author | NatureServe |
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1000-1500 m
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Rights holder/Author | Copyright © Missouri Botanical Garden |
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Rounded Global Status Rank: GNR - Not Yet Ranked
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Rights holder/Author | NatureServe |
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"Unarmed, erect shrub, to 3 m high; stems glabrous or sparsely pubescent, green or reddish purple. Leaves 4-11 x 0.5-1.5 cm, polymorphic, entire or palmately 3-5 fid, partite or lobed; midlobe lanceolate or oblong, longer than the rest, cuneate at base, serrate at margin, acute at apex, glabrous; midnerve with a nectary at base beneath, reddish purple or green. Petioles 2-8 cm long, green or reddish purple; stipules linear-subulate, ca 1.5 cm long. Flowers axillary, solitary or in racemose panicles by reduction of upper leaves. Pedicels 1.5-2 cm long, jointed near base, glabrous. Epicalyx lobes 8-12, adnate to base of calyx, lanceolate to oblong-elliptic, green or purple, persistent. Calyx campanulate, 1.5-4 cm long, becoming fleshy after anthesis; lobes usually smooth or with a few bristles, green or purple, 3-nerved with a nectary on midnerve, persistent. Corolla 4-5 cm across, yellow with a purple centre. Petals orbicular, 4-5 cm, glabrous. Staminal column shorter than petals. Ovary ovoid, ca 3 mm across, appressed-hairy; stigmas glabrous. Capsules ovoid, ca 1.5 cm across, densely strigose; seeds reniform, furfuraceous."
Root: Bitter, tonic, aperitive. Stem: Sap used for an antiscorbutic. Leaf: Infusion is refreshing and hypotensive. Flower: Succulent calyx is crushed to prepare a drink to treat pulmonary conditions in French Guiana. Antiscorbutic syrup is made from the fruit in French Guiana.
Habit: Erect subshrub