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Impatiens turrialbana Donn. Sm.
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Hierba de erecta a suberecta y escandente, hasta 2 m de altura.
Hojas de verticiladas a opuestas en toda la planta; pecíolo de 1.5 a 2.5(-3) cm de largo; lámina de 2-9.5(-10.5) por 1-3.5 cm, ovada, de ovado-elíptica a lanceolada, de obtusa a anchamente cuneada basalmente, de aguda o acuminada apicalmente, de crenada a crenado-serrada marginalmente, glabra. Inflorescencias axilares; pedúnculo conspicuamente alargados, con 2 ó flores rojizas, de rojizo anaranjadas a anaranjadas; sépalo posterior de 2 a 3 cm de largo, que forma un conspicuo apículo terminal; sépalos de 7 a 8 mm de largo; pétalo anterior de 9 a 11 mm de largo, los laterales unidos, con 2 lóbulos cerca de 4 mm de largo.Frutos de 19 a 26 mm de largo, de casi lineares a linear-fusiformes, levemente sulcados longitudinalmente, dehiscentes y que explotan al madurar; semillas de 2 a 4 por fruto, cerca de 3 mm de largo, elipsoides.Syntype for Impatiens turrialbana Donn. Sm.
Catalog Number: US 1380417
Collection: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany
Verification Degree: Original publication and alleged type specimen examined
Preparation: Pressed specimen
Collector(s): H. F. Pittier
Year Collected: 1889
Locality: Passage du Rio Birris sur La Chemen Turrialba, Costa Rica, Central America
Elevation (m): 2400 to 2400
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Rights holder/Author | This image was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution. Unless otherwise noted, this image or its contents may be protected by international copyright laws. |
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Syntype for Impatiens turrialbana Donn. Sm.
Catalog Number: US 1380418
Collection: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany
Verification Degree: Original publication and alleged type specimen examined
Preparation: Pressed specimen
Collector(s): F. Cox
Year Collected: 1894
Locality: Volcan Turrialba, Cartago, Costa Rica, Central America
Elevation (m): 2134 to 2134
- Syntype: Donnell Smith, J. 1897. Bot. Gaz. 23: 241.
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Rights holder/Author | This image was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution. Unless otherwise noted, this image or its contents may be protected by international copyright laws. |
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Bosques muy húmedos.