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Tapirira mexicana Marchand
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Localidad del tipo: No identificada.
Depositario del tipo: No identificado.
Recolector del tipo: No identificado.
Crece principalmente en bosques montanos y premontanos.
Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLDS) Stats
Public Records: 1
Specimens with Barcodes: 15
Species With Barcodes: 1
Tapirira mexicana is a species of rainforest tree in the Anacardiaceae family.[1] The tree requires intense sunlight for its saplings to establish.[2]
- ^ Loik, M. E.; K. D. Holl (2001). "Photosynthetic responses of tree seedlings in grass and under shrubs in early-successional tropical old fields, Costa Rica". Oecologia (Berlin: Springer) 127 (1): 40–50. doi:10.1007/s004420000566.
- ^ Estrada, Alejandro; Garber, Paul A.; Pavelka, Mary; Luecke, LeAndra, eds. (2005). New Perspectives in the Study of Mesoamerican Primates: Distribution, Ecology, Behavior, and Conservation (Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects). Springer. p. 600. ISBN 978-0387258546.
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Árbol hasta de 25 m. de altura.Ramas jóvenes glabras o escasamente pubescentes, con lenticelas pardas.
Hojas imparipinnadas. Pecíolo y raquis glabros o levemente puberulentos, cilíndricos. De 2 a 5 pares de folíolos que miden 4.5 a 19.5 por 1.8 a 4.8 cm., opuestos, glabros, subcoriáceos, de elíptico-oblongos a oblongo-lanceolados. Apice acuminado. Base de cuneada a atenuada, en ocasiones levemente revoluta. Borde de entero a ondulado. Nervadura prominente en el envés. Inflorescencia en panícula axilar hasta de 18 cm., puberulenta.Flores sésiles, de blancas a verde amarillento o verde crema.Frutos en drupas de 1.5 a 2.7 por 1 a 2 cm., de ovoides a oblongas, de rojizo-púrpura a moradas cuando están maduras, con sabor agridulce. Se reconoce por poseer de 2 a 5 pares de folíolos elíptico-lanceolados que miden de 4.5 a 10.5 cm.Isotype for Tapirira mexicana Marchand
Catalog Number: US 15517
Collection: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany
Verification Degree: Card file verified by examination of alleged type specimen
Preparation: Pressed specimen
Collector(s): E. Bourgeau
Year Collected: 1866
Locality: Valle de Cordova., Mexico, Central America
- Isotype: Marchand, N. L. 1869. Rev. Anacard. 162.
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Rights holder/Author | This image was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution. Unless otherwise noted, this image or its contents may be protected by international copyright laws. |
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Isotype for Mauria sessiliflora Standl.
Catalog Number: US 1409077
Collection: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany
Verification Degree: Original publication and alleged type specimen examined
Preparation: Pressed specimen
Collector(s): P. C. Standley
Year Collected: 1928
Locality: Siguatepeque vicinity, Comayagua, Honduras, Central America
Elevation (m): 1080 to 1400
- Isotype: Standley, P. C. 1930. J. Arnold Arbor. 11: 33.
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Rights holder/Author | This image was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution. Unless otherwise noted, this image or its contents may be protected by international copyright laws. |
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