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Ferns and relatives / Helechos y afines
EOL Text
Epiphytic or lithophytic ferns. Rhizome short and radially symmetric or short- or long-creeping, laterally branched or not. Stipes not articulated, short or long, terete, often narrowly winged. Fronds monomorphic, simple, pinnate or 2-pinnatifid, with entire lobes. Veins free, simple or forked or rarely anastomosing, often ending in a hydathode near the margin. Sori circular to elliptic, without an indusium.
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Rights holder/Author | Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings, Flora of Zimbabwe |
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Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:195
Specimens with Sequences:195
Specimens with Barcodes:195
Species With Barcodes:108
Public Records:195
Public Species:108
Public BINs:0
Very small to medium-sized ferns; epiphytic, lithophytic or rarely terrestrial. Rhizome short- or long-creeping or climbing, laterally branched; roots formed ventrally, dorsally with 2 rows of frond scars. Fronds mono-, hemi- or dimorphic, articulated or not; stipe short or long; lamina simple to 2-pinnatifid, entire or shallowly crenate; veins free or anastomosing. Indumentum composed of scales on the rhizome, axes and lamina and hairs on the lamina surfaces. Sori circular (in ours), superficial or slightly sunken, scattered or in a single row on either side of the primary or secondary vein, with or without paraphyses; exindusiate.
Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:1097
Specimens with Sequences:1067
Specimens with Barcodes:1059
Species With Barcodes:578
Public Records:977
Public Species:567
Public BINs:0
Polypodiaceae is a family of polypod ferns, which includes more than 60 genera divided into several tribes and containing around 1,000 species. Nearly all are epiphytes, but some are terrestrial. Drynariaceae, Grammitidaceae, Gymnogrammitidaceae, Loxogrammaceae, Platyceriaceae and Pleurisoriopsidaceae are nowadays usually included in the Polypodiaceae.
Their stems range from erect to long-creeping. The fronds are entire, pinnatifid, or variously forked or pinnate. The petioles lack stipules. The scaly rhizomes are generally creeping in nature.
Polypodiaceae species are found in wet climates, most commonly in rain forests. In temperate zones, most species tend to be epiphytic or epipetric.
Notable examples of ferns in this family include:
- Pleopeltis polypodioides (Resurrection fern)
- Phlebodium aureum (Golden serpent fern)
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Selected genera
See also
- G. Panigrahi and S.N. Patnaik (1961), Cytology of Some Genera of Polypodiaceae in Eastern India, Nature 191, 1207 - 1208.
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Rights holder/Author | Wikipedia |
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